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Water management in Central Brazil (Groundbreaking experience)

Projeto BARRAGINHAS: arquivos de interesse e textos complementares

The link above will lead you to relevant information & video on Micro-dams for rainfall water retention in Central-West Brazil project in Brazil (Link in Portuguese)

Technology of Rainwater Catchment Systems
Damming and Storing of Rainwater in Central Brazil

Luciano Cordoval de Barros
Embrapa Milho e Sorgo

Concerned about the future of water and its quality, the city of Sete Lagoas, in the state of Minas Gerais, has been developing a project for 'Damming and Storing Rainwater.' The system has been in operation for four years in an isolated area. This area covers 70 ha and has 30 small dams.

In 1998 the idea of implementing this system on a major scale became more definite. It was decided to cover the whole micro-area of Ribeirao Paiol with small dams. These small dams were installed in places with heavy rainfall causing erosion. The idea was to block the flow of rain water, minimizing its disastrous effects by keeping out sandy and polluting materials, such as soil, manure, fertilizers and others. These materials tend to go straight to the springs and wells causing condemnation, flooding and other damages.

Like a roof, the soil collects rainwater, concentrating it like a stream; barring it in successive small dams eliminates its damaging effects. After filling the first dam the overflow goes through a drainage ditch to the second dam, and thus on and on until it reaches the valley.

In all of Brazil's middle west the soil is mostly porous and deep. With a rainfall of 1000 to 1600 mm per year, the soil in dammed up areas functions like a storage sponge for filtered water. The main objective of the system is to load and unload the storage pond, adjusting water infiltration in the short time between rains. Much in the same way as numerous drenchings during a rain cycle increase the ground water level, filling the natural water tank of the soil.

The main purpose of the construction of small dams is to recuperate areas devastated by rain and turning spring water into a lasting good water supply. Other objectives are to promote renewal of the valleys, ease small draughts, allow second small harvests and the opening of fish tanks.

English summary:

More on the topic:


Conversaciones sobre el agua

Capítulo I
- Desde los muros del convento hasta los diques de una presa

Websource: http://www.opciones.cu/leer.asp?idnuevo=3054

21 10 2007

Capítulo II
El ingeniero hidráulico: dedicado al bienestar de la sociedad

Websource: http://www.opciones.cu/leer.asp?idnuevo=3109

18 11 2007

Capítulo III
Elemento mediador en la interacción hombre-ambiente

Websource: http://www.opciones.cu/leer.asp?idnuevo=3150

16 12 2007

Capítulo IV
- ¿Hacia dónde fluyen los residuales?

Websource: http://www.opciones.cu/leer.asp?idnuevo=3193

20 01 2008

Capítulo V
- Evolución en la conducción de agua

Websource: http://www.opciones.cu/leer.asp?idnuevo=3230

17 02 2008

Los Piojos - Agua


acordes y letras


La Red Vida

La Red VIDA (Vigilancia Interamericana para la Defensa y Derecho al Agua) fue creada en agosto de 2003 cuando 54 organizaciones de 16 países de todo el continente americano nos reunimos en San Salvador para lanzar una campaña hemisférica para defender el agua como un bien público y un derecho humano fundamental. Asociaciones de consumidores, organizaciones de mujeres, medio ambientalistas, sindicatos de trabajadores, activistas por los derechos humanos, religiosos, indígenas y organizaciones sociales somos los que conformamos la red.

Las áreas de acción de la red Vida son:
  • La organización para la acción y movilización ciudadana en todas sus formas, construyendo poder para modificar el orden injusto desde las comunidades y grupos vulnerados.
  • La articulación local, nacional, regional, continental y global, favoreciendo por una parte, la incorporación de nuevas organizaciones a la Red, y por otra, estableciendo lazos con otras redes.
  • Resistiendo a los procesos de mercantilización del agua.
  • Denunciando los atropellos al derecho al agua
  • Generando procesos de comunicación frente a las organizaciones e instancias públicas nacionales e internacionales.
  • Luchando por la vigencia y progreso de los marcos jurídicos nacionales e internacionales.
  • Construyendo procesos de comunicación.
  • Desarrollando lecturas de la realidad
  • Reivindicando la gestión y control público y comunitario del agua como vía para garantizar el derecho universal al agua.

Energy, Water In "Catch-22", By John Fleck

Thursday 20 March 2008

Humanity's demands for energy and water supplies are on a collision course, new research suggests.

It takes water to make energy - to cool power plants or process the fuels that power our cars. And it takes energy to get new water - to pump it to where it is needed, or to purify it for human use.

"You're kind of in a Catch-22," Sandia National Laboratories researcher Mike Hightower said in a recent interview.

read more

en español mal


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